Sunday, October 25, 2020

Thw Clan Invasion is here!

Catalyst Games recently began fullfillment on Wave 1 of its Clan Invasion KS. Yours truly got his on Friday buuuutttt I decided to wait until Saturday to do an unboxing video. I was surprised I was able to do it in one take. I didn't open my salvage on camera but I did open them up. For my Legendary I got Aiden Pryde. For my to Clan salvage, I got a Fenris and a Koshi.  I hope you enjoy the video.

Monday, October 19, 2020

A Battletech Solo Campaign

So there's a guy in the 10mm Wargaming group on Facebook that has been posting his Cold War Gone Hot Campaign. It's been very inspirational to see someone just throw caution to the wind and get some gaming in. 

Personally, I love 10mm as a scale. It's my go to scale (I refer you to my pile of shane post. I currently do not have the space to paint or game like I want. And then it hit me why not just get some Battletech in. I can learn the rules a little better and I'll be able to have content to post on a regular basis other then stuff I wish I were doing. 

So I will be doing a Battletech campaign. I decided to go with House Marik because who really cares about them. They're kind of the redheaded step child of Battletech. Plus it will be fun to do something other then Davion or Kurita. I'm thinking a pirate hunting campaign in the Periphery. Because.. why not? Wish me luck.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Random Thought of Lament

 Many have become jaded in this era of social media, algorthrims, and information gathering. I remember of time of hope. I remember a time when you could just stumble onto stuff just surfing the web without any real destination in sight. I miss the days when you could just search for something on the web without some algorithm parsing out a database based off of previous selections I may or may not have made. The old days when you would just get a sort of information dump and you had to sort it out for yourself. And now we have a different type of information dump. However this one doesn't let you decide for yourself. It has already been decided for you. Unless you are exceptionally cunning it can be difficult to fake out. You're put in a box and told what you can like and who your friends should be. The world which once seemed so full of possibility. It's not that it no longer seems hopeful, but hope seems to be strangled.  That makes me sad.