Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Wiskey Tango Foxtrot, Batwing!

So I've been following Batwing for the better part of a year now. And I have to say that while it had it's been a mixed bag. On the one hand it's always awesome to see a new Black superhero, especially one that's not a throw away character. On the other, it's been fustrating to read a book with so much wasted potential.  I really enjoyed picking out the parallels between Batman and the African Batman. (let's just call a spade a spade here.)

When they critically injured Batwing's Alfred, Matu, in issue 18. I was like WWWHHHAATTT!!! I was so excited to see what Batman would do if anything ever happened to Alfred. I'll tell you what he'd do. Apparently, he'd get mad, beat up some people and then wuss out and quit being Batman. Because that's what Batwing did.

My only consolation is that Bruce Wanye left the door open for David Zavimbe to return as an agent of Batman, Inc. Which brings us to the new Batwing, Luke Fox... that's right LUCAS FOX'S SON! I would have been excited if he had been the first choice or if Batman had brought him in to assisst (they kind of wrapped up the Zavimbe). The whole thing just seems forced. I'm not sure if they were going to go this way eventually. I mean on a certain level it feels that way, but they way they did it was rushed. And just when Zavimbe was getting good. It was nice to see Batwing take on organized crime in Africa. I mean that's what Batman is supposed to do right?

So as Batwing takes on it's THIRD creative team. I only hope they bring back Zavimbe in some form. Oh did I not tell you. They put the new Batwing in Tinisha the same city where the old Batwing took roost. If you're wondering why they don't just pull the plug on the book, it's because of the 52 books that DC releases every month Batwing and Katana are the only two nonwhite characters that have they're own stand alone books. Which is pretty sad given the number of Batman (just batman not the Batman family of books) and Superman books there are.

My final thought:
I thought it would be interesting if Batwing and Black Panther would meet up in some kind of wierd crossover. It's painfully clear that's what they were going for. You tell me if DC isn't trying to get it's own version of the Black Panther in the DC 'verse.

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